McKenzie Cook, RDMS

McKenzie Cook is a Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer with registry in OBGYN. She loves Ultrasound and is passionate about providing excellent care for expecting mothers. She has worked in High-Risk Obstetrics for many years and thoroughly enjoys helping her high-risk patients she cares for. 


Since completing her education at Midland College she has practiced diagnostic sonography for the last

four years and is currently working inMaternal Fetal Medicine (High-Risk OB) in addition to being a Sonographer at Anthus. 

McKenzie was born and raised here in Midland, TX and is blessed with a beautiful family including a loving husband and adorable twin daughters. McKenzie loves the Lord and and strives to do her best for Him every single day. 


Iris Ramos, RDMS


Meaghan Simmons, BCHHP, CHN, CHWC, CHHC